4 One generation shall
commend your works to another,
and shall declare your mighty acts.
5 On the glorious
splendor of your majesty,
and on your wondrous works, I will
6 They shall speak
of the might of your awesome deeds,
and I will declare your greatness.
7 They shall pour forth the
fame of your abundant goodness
and shall sing aloud of your
Psalm 145:4-7
This past year looks nothing like I expected. Through
all it's dramatic twists and unexpected blessings, I see the distinct
handprints of God's faithfulness.
It's the time of year where we count our blessings. As
Christians we think of Thanksgiving as a time to be grateful for what God has
done for us. But that's not quite enough. We must proclaim God's abundance to
others. Because Psalm 145 exhorts us to share God's works, mighty acts, awesome
deeds, greatness, abundant goodness, and righteousness, I can't keep silent on
the works of God's faithfulness to me and my family in the past year.
How God was Faithful in 2016 (an incomplete list):
- He enabled me to finish writing Unsupermommy. I was merely obedient to his calling; he was faithful to bring it to completion. When I needed physical help he provided baby sitters, grandmas, and a patient husband to support me. When I needed wisdom, his Word was a ready supply. When I needed encouragement, he moved in the hearts of others to speak. When I wanted to give up, he was persistent. He was faithful.
- He gave us the land. We're about to start building our farmhouse. My parent's technically gave us the land, but they were simply instruments of grace in our lives. Every piece of dividing off that land was met with a roadblock. We simply couldn't have made it through without God's amazing faithfulness. This blessing hasn't come in via the timeframe or plan we expected, but it is coming. He provided a winding path around the roadblocks of the county--one that was set in motion before my parents' even owned this property. He was faithful.
- When Wes was discontent and overworked at his previous job, God provided the unexpected gift of a career advancement close to home. We have already been so blessed by Wes' close proximity at Ridges so many times. When Wes did the first interview for that job, they were so honest in telling him they had two other internal candidates at the top of their list. But God had other plans for that position. He was faithful.
- We put our house on the market in May and sold it in two weeks to a buyer who didn't want to move in until September. Who has ever even heard of such a buyer? God was faithful.
- We moved in with my in-laws, and it has been so different than we expected. My MIL has only been at the house with us about 14 days in the 3 months we have been here, which means I've been shouldering a load of cooking, cleaning, and childcare that I did not expect. But he's been faithful in that too. He gave Wes the wisdom to insist on a Y membership where I can have some childcare and personal space. He has given me more patience and helped me establish a new routine for a quieter afternoon, even if it doesn't involve the alone quiet times we did at the old house. God has been faithful.
- I was so afraid to reach out and ask people to write endorsements for Unsupermommy, but God met me there again. I've been humbled by the caliber of people willing to read my words and put their approval behind mine. Unsupermommy will certainly reach more women with their endorsements. I was afraid, but God was faithful.
These six things are the big ones, friends, but there
are so many more. All of God's faithfulness in every day moments could never be
recounted. It would break the internet. That faithfulness must be whispered in
the moment to our friends, spouses, and children. Don't let a chance to tell
others about God's faithfulness pass you by. We are meant to proclaim it.
Do this today. Tell someone, tell the world. Speak
boldly about God's blessing on your life. Proclaim his faithfulness.
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