Friday, February 12, 2016

Friday Friends #4

It's another Friday. The weekend can't come soon enough for me this week! We are finally (almost) totally healthy here, but it's been almost two weeks and I feel worn down from the whole process. I know a lot of other moms are in the same boat out there, so if you're one of them, just feel a big ole hug from me to you. This will all be over. One day. Like next summer. ;) 

So if I called up my BFF right now, and we had 15 minutes to chat, what would I tell her?

  1. My house is a wreck. It's always messy, but right now it's just a full on disaster zone. For some crazy reason, I decided to tackle cleaning out the baby toys and a few clothes while my kids were sick. Then I got sick and never got it finished and put up for sale online. Those unusual toys that the boys have been bored with for a year are suddenly everyone's favorite and now they are all over the house. Yikes! But I'm so behind on everything, it's like I'm just treading water in hopes we won't drown. 
  2. I'm in a bit of a funk. I feel tired every afternoon even though I'm getting extra sleep at night since I stopped waking up before the kids when I got sick. Maybe my body is still fighting the strep and cold? I think it's time to drag my tired body out of bed and have some peace and quiet devotion time in the morning tomorrow though. 
  3. I'm keeping a house plant alive right now, and it feels like hope every time I head to my kitchen sink to work. Probably everyone should have a plant by their sink? Especially everyone who lives in a frozen tundra. 
So I usually post on MWF, but I'll be a little off schedule for the next week or so. I haven't been able to write much since we all got strep, and I have a book meeting I need to prep for next week. I've also been missing my babysitter Wednesday mornings (which are AMAZING) for me to work on my book since we've been sick. Like I said before, I'm just behind in everything right now. But I'm making space for grace. I'm working on a follow up to my lent post from last year about giving up my daughter desire, and I hope you'll see that sometime next week! 

Now sound off in the comments here, Instagram, or Facebook with what you would tell your BFF if you had 15 minutes on the phone with her. 

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